Before you begin exploring, let me briefly introduce myself. My name is Alex Nicholson and WELCOME to my EDUC 422 technology and education blog!  I am a sunny San Diego native and student at CSUSM, currently taking classes toward an elementary education teaching credential.  With the exception of one semester abroad during college, all of my schooling has been a stone's throw away from where I was born and raised---preschool, elementary, and high school were all within a 2 mile radius of my house. After high school, I attended the University of San Diego and received a B.A. degree in Liberal Studies. One of those semesters I spent in Florence, Italy taking courses toward an Art History concentration. After graduation, I took a few classes at a nearby community college in child development while I figured out what path my future career would take.  As I type this blog post EDUC 422, the last pre-requisite needed in order to finalize my acceptance to CSUSM's Multiple Subject Credential Program, this fall.  

There were certain areas that I excelled in but math and science were two subjects that always proved to be the most challenging for me.   After completing the last math class I needed in order to graduate from USD, I realized what I was capable of when I stopped letting pressure run my life and fully dedicated myself to the subject: tutoring sessions, spending hours and hours on one night's homework assignments, daily office hour appointments, et al.  For the first time, I took great pride in what I had accomplished for myself and no one else---not my parents, teachers, standards, requirements, or board members).  It was one of the best learning experiences I've had thus far in my education and it changed my philosophy on school and learning forever.

One of the values in the mission statement, "Community: shared communities to service, teamwork, and partnership" stood out to me because I think it's something that has slowly washed away in education because of peer competitiveness and constantly feeling the pressures to beat out another, for a grade, job, or award desired.  I think that this is a great value to include in the mission statement because some of the most beneficial learning comes from collaborative projects or sharing ideas with one another through intellectual discussion.  Learning should be shared, encouraged, embraced, and be available to all individuals.


Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.

-William Butler Yeats


  1. I also went to Florence to study abroad! I only went for a summer because I didn't know if I would have time to fit in a whole semester, but I loved it! I am so jealous that you were there for a whole semester and I'm sure you got to travel to so many places! We will have to swap stories sometime!
    I also liked what you said about the mission statement, I agree that competitive spirit, although good at times, can definitely interfere with a sense of community in the classroom. I think that this is important in enhancing learning and it's good that we get to experience it and it will help us to integrate it into our own classrooms someday.

  2. Alex-Andra, what wonderful experiences you have had throughout life! I am oh so jealous of your study abroad experience in Italy, that is something I always wanted to do but could not seem to find the funds for. I feel as though my comfortability around computers has also deteriorated over the years. However, I find great ease in math and science should you ever need a study buddy. Conversely, history has always been one of my more difficult subjects- I applaud you for your strengths in that subject. I'm excited for all of us to begin the Credentialing Program as well! :D
